Saturday, January 14, 2012

Detecting trip #25 - Napier

Beach area - 10 minute hunt @ noon

Back from a week trip with my son to the Hawke's Bay and have a few finds to show for it. Now I did not get much time as my little metal detecting apprentice got bored and started to dig everywhere! So i took him to a park and had an ice cream.

All Finds

Newest old decimal $0.50

I just found the newest old decimal fifty cent piece yet!  I am used to finding them in the 80's and 90's but this is my first one from the 2000's.  It is also in great shape unlike most of my other ones.

I do not usually post about old decimal as they are not really worth much but this one is a first for me so I decided to post about it. Now I do wish that our current coins were still made out of copper-nickle as they are easier to find detecting and they do not RUST!!!!!
I mean come on why have coins that can rust?


  1. Good hunting :) Agree with ya about the rusty new coins, annoying aye!

  2. Thanks Ash_T. If i had my say the coins would be the same size but nickle or copper nickle again...

  3. I hate those "Self Destruct" coins! 10 20 50 c just dissapear at the beach within several month !

  4. for real! I found one a couple of weeks ago that was just a nickel shell! but because it is legal tender they had to take it! lol
