Well I am back! And I have some new and cool finds to show you all! Well truth be told I have had the chance to make a few trips so that is why I am uncertain of which trip number this is... none of those trips were very long though except for my trip #36 down hwy 1...
Trip #36
I had a stop off at a park and the 1st coin I found was sitting on top of a root... it was a 1865 penny and near it under the same tree was an 1879 penny! not only that but I found a great pocket spill with three coins a 1944 1/2 crown with a 1946 sixpence and a 1938 penny... But in my excitement and while I was running from the rain to my car about 400 metres away
I dropped the 1/2 crown and sixpence! So I went back out and spent another 20 minutes searching my tracks for them... and I did manage to find the 1/2 crown. I found other coins as well as a silver 3p.
Trip #37
Ok finds
Well what better way to spend labour day than a coin hunt? First are the normal rubbish coins. I went to two different beaches an old one and a new one. Most of the newer coins were found at the newer beach and these are New decimal coins: 2 $.10; Old decimal coins: 1x $.20, 2x $.10, 2x $.05, 2x $.02, and 2x $.01.
Now for the Good finds :)
Well I found some good silver :). I found two silver 3p (1940 & 1945)at the old spot... This spot has always yielded silver coins to me even though I hit it every few months. I found the two sterling silver religious medallions on a string necklace... thought it was rubbish at first. I also found a really old riffle trigger guard thing like 5cm away from the 1945 3p. Unfortunately I lost the 1945 3p... it fell somewhere in my house or front yard but for the life of me I can not find it!!!!