Friday, January 20, 2012

Detecting Trip #27

Park area - 1 hour hunt @ 1.00pm

Well I went back to that last spot and continued my search and I did not find as many 5 cent peices... lol.  I've noticed that when I have the F2 on full sensetivity that the ID's can change a little... or is it that I am now getting familure with the ids... not sure.  But I did manage to find a non-silver sixpence in the area that I am working which makes for 7 predecimal coins found in the last two hunts!  Which means that a silver one may not be too far off! Also that 1/2 penny is a 1913 so there may be some sterling silver coins too!

All Finds

Finds of Interest

Predecimal coins

           1/2 Penny 1913                                     Penny 1952                                  Sixpence 1952

Other Finds

Funny name for a dog... Garry?  This might not be a dog tag as there are no numbers or addresses.  But it looks too cheep for a peice of custom engraved jewelry.

Some kind of strange magnet. Not sure what it was used for but I is quite strong.. probably a Neodymium magnet.

An old pair of pliers.


  1. Nice finds :) Bound to be some silver coins around with those dates :) HH !

  2. That is my hope. I only found 2 predecimal coins that were not pennies or half pennies, but I am not even 10% of the way through this new spot :) so here's hoping!

  3. Hey man, i am the guy you met on the beach on Sunday avo...just having a read of your blog, very interesting stuff and very encouraging! I gotta make time to get out more....

  4. For real... there are a lot of places that have not really been hit. I am trying to get to as many places that I can that I think might have some good old coins. let me know if you want to hit a spot together. cheers

  5. Hey, yeh would love to hit a spot sometime, don't have a lot of spare time at the moment but i can arrange an evening off or something hehe.
